Saturday, November 24, 2012

Women's Rights

As I mentioned previously, I was considering creating a poster based on the need for people to acknowledge women's rights. Well, I ended up creating two posters! One for mental illness awareness, AND one for women's rights. Since we can technically only bring one to the critique, I decided to just share the women's rights poster on here. 

Firstly, how ironic that Professor Greenan posted a blog about a local movie reviewer who lost his job because his publisher didn't agree with his support (reviewing) of films that displayed women as strong and independent individuals.

Here's a quick excerpt from the article she linked us to:

I found this extremely disgusting and upsetting. The fact that a grown man feels that manhood is being threatened by the way women are being portrayed in films is almost laughable. However, instead of using this  blog entry to rant, I'll let my poster design do the talking for me.

Here's my poster:

I wanted the message to be direct and show just how important and powerful a woman is in this world. The woman's silhouette was what I had envisioned from the beginning. The idea of having a strong female taking up most of the poster helped the message take on a life of its own, in my opinion. As for the text, I wanted it to be simple, but bold and firm. "MY BODY. MY CHOICE." Says it all really! I needed the color scheme to have a bold color, so I figured a deep crimson was a good fit. I honestly feel that colors like red, black, and white have the ability to be clean, yet give a piece some emotion.

I'll be sharing my second poster later this week! Thanks for reading and checking out my blog. :) Any thoughts or comments are welcome, as usual.

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