Sunday, November 18, 2012

Album Cover Art and Film Credits

This past Thursday, I went to see Breaking Dawn: Part 2 with a group of friends. Yes, it's possibly one of the worst teen book series, but it's a guilty please of mine. As the film started, I realized just how much my perspective and senses have been effected since taking this course. I was immediately mesmerized by the opening titles and the design. Unfortunately, I don't have any images to share since the film just premiered this weekend, but I can honestly say it was pretty fantastic. As they displayed each actor's name, the screen flipped between three color filters, red, black, and white. The images they were layered over were of snow-covered mountains, deep valleys, and rivers. Something so simple was already giving me chills!

After experiencing that excitement, I decided to share a few other designs that stem from album cover art to again, opening film credits.

First up is British singer/songwriter Ed Sheeran and the cover art for his most recent album, "+".

It is a very simple concept. Ed's face. Ed's name. A plus symbol. And a paw-print. Each of these things reflect that artist. All of these details may seem minor, but they are now the basis for anything that Ed releases or designs. Ed, who is a ginger, has always been very enthusiastic about the color orange and paw-prints. The font has become his "go-to" font for clothing, tour buses, stage backdrops, and so on. I think I enjoy this album cover so much because it embodies everything that is Ed Sheeran without the actual music.

Second up is the opening credits for the 2011 film, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.

I read the series prior to seeing the film, so I was absolutely pumped to see the film! If any of you have read the books, you know that they are all fairly dark and twisted. The opening titles reflect the books by using footage/images of people cover in a black liquid with a black backdrop and a simple light filtering through. As you can see in the picture above, they selected a font that adds to the creepy and eerie feeling that surrounds the movie.

Just a few things that I wanted to share with all of you! Any album covers or film designs that you admire?

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