Monday, November 5, 2012

Instant Book Update!

Today I officially completely my instant book. It differs in a few ways from the draft I created last week, but I'm pleased with those changes that came along as I designed it. Instead of including hand drawings, I opted to select some photographs I took recently and not so recently.

Two of the pictures I included are images I captured on my trip to Europe back in the summer of 2010. I went overseas for two weeks and spent time in London, Paris and Rome. Needless to say, it was amazing and I would love to go back in the future. Who knows, maybe even live there for some time.

Anyway, the pictures gave the book a more "dressed up" feel, in my opinion, but with the fonts I selected, you can still tell that the book is meant to be personal. I honestly love that we had to do this in gray scale. It challenged me at times. At one point I was designing the cover and thought that only using black, white, and RED, would be a great look for my book, unfortunately, red is not black or white. Whoops.

I'm honestly a bit nervous about the critique on this project because I took a few chances and decided to be slightly less conservative with my design, but I'm truly happy with it. Fingers crossed that it's well received!

I'll be photocopying the final product tomorrow, then spending some time folding for Wednesday!

Look for my final product sometime on Wednesday or Thursday evening. Can't wait for everyone to see it!

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