Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Mental Illness Awareness Poster

As I mentioned in my previous post, I created two social awareness posters because I was having difficulty deciding between my two ideas. For the poster that I selected to submit for grading and critique, I focused on the awareness of mental illnesses. 

Approximately a month before my dad passed away from cancer, I was professionally diagnosed with severe depression. Throughout the next three to four years I struggled with daily tasks because I had very little want to do much besides hide in bed and listen to music. It got to the point that my part-time job was suffering because I would call in more than half the time and I had to withdrawal from multiple courses during multiple semesters. During these struggles, I was supported by amazing and loving people, however, I did encounter a few individuals who felt my depression was something I could fix with positive thinking or maybe even the flick of a switch. It wasn't until last summer that I was able to come off of anti-depressants, and yet I still have moments where I find myself stuck in similar place as before. 

Here's my poster:

For my slogan/tag line, I wanted to use something that was direct and firm, without being rude. I feel that "IT'S REAL. Even if you can't see it." describes precisely the message I wanted to get across. Although mental illnesses can't be seen from the outside, they are very serious in nature and do have a profound effect on a person's well-being.  I used two different fonts, one that was serif and one the was helvetica light. As for the color scheme, I consciously choose to use blue because it is so commonly associated with sadness, melancholy, and depression. 

Feedback and comments are welcome :)

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