Monday, November 12, 2012

Poster Ideas

For our next class project, we have been asked to create a poster that addresses a social/humanistic problem that means something to us. I was instantly excited for this project because I've always loved showing support and bringing attention to issues that truly resonate with me. Unfortunately, I'm currently struggling with deciding between two separate ideas.

Since the election just ended a week ago, I'm still buzzing from everything that has been described as a "hot topic" over the past five or six months. I'm very open with the fact that I am indeed in support of women's' rights and gay rights. Being a woman, I feel that we are all individuals and should have control over our bodies, whether it be the right to have an abortion, not to have an abortion, receive contraception through our work's insurance, or define the different "levels" of rape, it is our right. As for gay rights, I've always believed wholeheartedly that everyone should have the same rights no matter who you're in love with. Love is love. One of my coworkers is openly gay and I can not image missing his wedding solely because the state tells him his marriage shouldn't count.

So, now that my rant is over, I'm between the possibilities of having a poster that reads "My Body. My Choice." for women or even being a bit more rash and saying "My Uterus. My Choice." or a poster supporting gay rights that reads, "Love Is Equal."

Does anyone have any suggestions?

And just to make sure I'm not offending anyone, I want to say that I respect all of your opinions in regards to these subjects. These are my opinions, I am not forcing them on any of you. Please understand that.

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