Monday, October 22, 2012

Book Theme

Ever since Professor Greenan introduced the class to project two, I've been mapping it out in my head. I almost immediately knew I wanted my book to revolve around losing my dad to cancer three years ago. Losing him was one of the hardest things I've ever gone through, but it also made me a better person. I experienced severe depression, which caused me to fall behind in school, ruin a few relationships, and even turn to self harm and an eating disorder. When I look back, it's almost as though I didn't even live for those few years, I merely existed.

It wasn't until March of this year that I actually felt like myself again and was able to discontinue using anti-depressants. As of now, I have a truly good quality life. I have become an even better version of myself and that's due in part to my dad and what he has inspired me to do and be.

The book will surround the idea that time isn't always on our side and we should never hesitate to say things like "I love you" to the people that mean the most to us. Today in class I began writing a poem that will act as the text of the book and I will start sketching out the images tonight or tomorrow.

Here's a quick sneak peak of the first stanza of the poem:

The world froze at 7:18.
The tick tock of the clock stopped,
Just as his breathing.
He was 59 the day that he died. 


1 comment:

  1. So sorry for everything you've gone through. I think this idea is great though, and I really like the theme. The poem is really good so far, too. Good luck with this project, I can't wait to see it once it's finished!
