Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Importance of Font, Color, and Image.

There are many important factors that give a graphic design piece it's identity, but there are three elements that I feel top the list.


The font that a graphic design artist selects acts as medium for delivering the words on the page in a certain manner. A commonly used font, such as helvetica, gives off a more professional, simple, and clean-cut vibe. A script font is sometimes harder to read, but does add a bit of a fancy and classic air. A serif font can be used to look more traditional, like the fonts used in older books.

The color that an artist incorporates into their work has the ability to bring a specific emotion to the viewer. A deep shade of blue can cause the piece to feel melancholy and depressed. A lighter shade could bring a sense of calm. A bright yellow or red is bold and hard to ignore. A black and white color scheme allows the viewer to focus on the content rather than be distracted.

The images that are selected can bring the work to life. They can put a face with the words being said. They can cause the audience to associate a single image with the message. They can enhance the message. Images aren't necessary vital to every single design, but when you used, they can bring a sense of reality to a design.

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