Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Brochure Options

For our final project, we have been asked to design a tri-fold brochure that can focused on practically anything we so choose! When I first approached the project, I was torn between doing a brochure on the lovely city of London, or a brochure about myself to be used as a resume piece. As I debated between the two ideas, I was listening to one of my favorite artists, Ed Sheeran, a fairly unknown British singer songwriter. It was then that I decided I wanted to dedicate the brochure to him!

At that point, the music geek in me was pretty darn excited to work on a whole project that was devoted to a great musician. I figured that the brochure could include things such as a short biography, discography, upcoming tour dates, and so on!

As of right now, the brochure is looking good. I have two more pages to complete before I can call it a day. I tried my best to make the brochure truly reflect Ed through the symbols, images, and colors that I selected. For instance, Ed is known for his ginger hair, so he tends to emphasis that by using orange as a major color when it comes to his album cover, merchandise, and promotional material. So, it's safe to say that one of the three colors I'm incorporating into my brochure is indeed orange!

The biggest obstacle I've faced during the process has been finding a way to fit in all of the information without crowding the pages or cutting of any words. Luckily, with some sizing adjustments it's coming together.

Can't wait for it to be completed! Only two more classes left, then we're done for the semester. CRAZY.

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