Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Why is it important for Communication majors to study design?

I personally believe that it is necessary for all Communications majors to understand the art of design because it is a fundamental part of our society. As Communications majors we are involved with a variety of media forms, most of which, have a design element integrated into their organization and/or company. Graphic art is used to create logos, company headers and ascetically pleasing images in general.

Why does good design matter?

Good design can very often be the difference between a company or organization exceling within their line of work. By having a unique, easily recognizable or interesting logo, a company can become more well known and the design can even encourage people to see the company in a certain light. Whether the design is professional looking or more art-oriented, the viewer can get a certain feel even before learning about the company or organization's product or mission.

Favorite piece of design?

About two years ago a friend and I decided to rent a couple of snowboards and try it out. As we continued practicing and spending countless hours in the cold, we became engrossed in the sport. Having always watched the Winter X Games, I started to take more notice to the designs on the boards that professional boarders were using. A certain brand of boards has become my favorite, not only due to the quality of the board, but also because of the design itself.

Below is a picture of some of the boards that Never Summer has created. The first thing that drew me to these boards was the eagle encased in the circle logo and how it is also included in every design. The design in a way symbolizes the way a rider feels weightless and as though they are flying when riding. In my opinion, it is also a very strong logo that gives the board sustenance. 

Impression following first class?

Following the first class, I was slightly overwhelmed, but I'm also hopeful. The information and skills that we will gain from taking this class are priceless when it comes to the field we are looking to build careers in. I look forward to acquiring knowledge related to using design software and creating our own work.